Toshihide Sawada Doubles Through He Qidong Before Break

Jul 20, 2023

Toshihide Sawada shoves from under the gun for 465,000 and He Qidong shoves over the top for a total of 700,000. The rest of the tables folds, leaving just two for a showdown before break.

Toshihide Sawada: Spade JHeart J
He Qidong: Spade 9Diamond 9

The flop falls Diamond QHeart 8Diamond 8 and Sawada is still well in front of Qidong. The dealer finishes the board with Heart KHeart A and Sawada captures the double just as break rolls around.

Toshihide Sawada – 1,000,000 (33 bb)
He Qidong – 235,000 (8 bb)

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