Top Pair Good For Lemaire

Sep 10, 2011

Dori Yacoub raises to 38,000 from under the gun and Hugo Lemaire calls in the small blind. Byron Kaverman also calls in the big blind.

The flop comes down [3sJc2d] and all three players check. The [As] on the turn is met with checks from Lemaire, and Kaverman but Yacoub spoils the party and bets 67,000. Only Lemaire calls and it is off to the river, which is the [9h].

Lemaire now comes out firing to the tune of 110,000 chips and Yacoub looks like he is going to instantly call but he does not pull the trigger. Instead he riffles a pile of chips that are worth 110,000. After 90 seconds he forcefully puts them across the betting line.

Lemaire: [AdQs]

Yacoub: muck

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