Tomoyuki Yoshimiya Doubles Through Yung Han Chien

Aug 17, 2024

Yung Han Chien limps and then calls a raise to 55,000 by Tomoyuki Yoshimiya in the next seat. On the Diamond JSpade 9Spade 8 flop, Chien check-calls a small bet and Yoshimiya then check-raises the Heart 6 turn from 55,000 to 150,000. Chien moves all-in and Yoshimiya calls.

Tomoyuki Yoshimiya: Club JSpade J
Yung Han Chien: Spade 7Spade 5

The river is the Club 9 and Yoshimiya doubles for 640,000.

Tomoyuki Yoshimiya – 1,525,000 ( 76 bb)
Yung Han Chien – 750,000 ( 38 bb)

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