Tommy Vedes Doubles Thru Jess Yawitz in Seven-Figure Pot

Apr 22, 2012

2229 Tommy Vedes Doubles Thru Jess Yawitz
With around 85,000 already in the pot, Tommy Vedes (pictured) and Jess Yawitz see a flop of [As9d4c]. Vedes checks from under the gun and yawitz bets 47,000 from middle position. Vedes calls.

The turn is the [7s] and Vedes checks again. Yawitz bets 80,000, then Vedes check raises to 191,000 total. Yawitz asks Vedes about how much behind and Vedes informs Yawitz it is around 280,000.

Yawitz thinks for a minute or so before announcing he is all-in and Vedes quickly calls. Yawitz turns over [AhJh] for top pair, but Vedes has [As9d] for aces up.

The river [4h] changes nothing and Vedes’ two pair holds to give him the massive double up to the chip lead.

Tommy Vedes  –  1,120,000  (47 BBs)
Jess Yawitz  –  250,000  (21 BBs)

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