Tom Sego Eliminated in 30th Place by Matt Salsberg

Mar 10, 2016

Tom Sego

After a flop of Club KSpade JClub 2, Tom Sego (pictured) checks the big blind, and Shooting Star Matt Salsberg (UTG) bets 30,000. Bryan Piccioli calls from the cutoff, and Sego moves all in for about 250,000. Salsberg moves all in with a slightly larger stack, and Piccioli folds.

Sego turns over Heart KHeart Q for a pair of kings, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Salsberg’s Club AClub J (pair of jacks, club flush draw).

The turn card is the Club 3, the river is the Spade K, and Salsberg turns a club flush to win the pot and eliminate Sego from the tournament.

Matt Salsberg  –  660,000  (55 bb)
Tom Sego  –  Eliminated in 30th Place  ($25,690)

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