Todd Sisley Eliminated in 34th Place by Chris Arvanitis

Nov 17, 2015

Todd Sisley

Chris Arvanitis raises to 31,000 from the hijack, Todd Sisley (pictured) three-bets to 93,000 from the small blind, Arvanitis four-bets to 200,000, Sisley five-bet jams for about 375,000 and Arvanitis calls.

Arvanitis:  Spade AHeart A
Sisley:  Diamond QSpade Q

The board runs out Diamond KClub JHeart 6Club 5Club 4, no help to Sisley, securing the pot for Arvanitis.

Chris Arvanitis  –  1,290,000  (107 bb)
Todd Sisley  –  Eliminated in 34th Place  (CAD $13,370)

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