Tjan Tepeh Eliminated in 26th Place by John Richards

Dec 19, 2023

Tjan Tepeh-4Photo: Tejan Tepeh

Before the flop, Tjan Tepeh moves all in for 5,150,000 and the action is over John Richards who thinks about it for a good bit. After using a time bank, he makes the call to put Tepeh at risk and the cards are on their backs. 

Tjan Tepeh – Diamond ASpade Q
John Richards – Club KSpade 9

Although Tepeh starts off ahead with his ace-high, the flop of Diamond 9Spade 3Spade K is not his friend as it gives Richards two pair. The turn Club 10 gives Tepeh some outs to a jack but the river is the brick Heart 4 and he is eliminated in 26th place.

John Richards – 26,400,000 (66 bb)
Tjan Tepeh – Eliminated in 26th Place  ($159,200) 

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