Timur Azizov Barrels Into Jean Karam

Feb 18, 2020

Timur Azizov continues to be active and opens to 1,700 in middle position. He gets called by Jean Karam on the cutoff and David Hu in the big blind and the trio head to the flop.

It comes Spade QSpade 5Spade 3 and Azizov continues for 2,700 when Hu checks to him. Only Karam calls behind. The turn is a Club 6 and Azizov barrels 7,500, which Karam calls.

The Spade J river brings four to a flush and Azizov check-folds to Karam’s 12,000 bet. “Hot!” says Karam, as he collects the chips.

Jean Karam – 79,000
Timur Azizov – 125,000
David Hu – 41,000

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