Three Seat Open at the Same Time; Redraw Upcoming

Jan 13, 2018

Gerald Karlic
At the same time on neighboring tables, three players were eliminated to reduce the field to the last 24 only.

Maxi Lehmanski limped from under the gun and Gerald Karlic (pictured above) moved all in for 117,000. Alexander Gerdshikow three-bet all in for 326,000 out of the big blind and Lehmanski snap-called with the slightly superior stack.

Gerald Karlic: Heart AClub 7
Alexander Gerdshikow: Club QSpade Q
Maxi Lehmanski: Diamond AClub A

The board came Diamond 9Club 4Club 2Spade 8Spade K and Lehmanski skyrocketed his stack.

At the same time one table over, the flop lay Club 7Spade 6Heart 2 and Georgios Berkis shoved for what appeared to be 85,000. Michael Behnert called from under the gun and Sonke Jahn used one time bank extension before folding.

Georgios Berkis: Heart 7Heart 4
Michael Behnert: Diamond 7Spade 7

The Diamond 9 turn and Diamond J river failed to provide a miracle to send Berkis (pictured below) to the rail as well.

Georgios Berkis
There are 10 minutes remaining in the level and the 24 hopefuls will redraw to the last three tables momentarily. All players will get a total of six timebank extensions from now on, too.

Maxi Lehmanski – 760,000
Michael Behnert – 625,000
Sonke Jahn – 320,000
Gerald Karlic – Eliminated in 27th place for €7,730 ($8,845)
Alexander Gerdshikow – Eliminated in 26th place for €7,730 ($8,845)
Georgios Berkis – Eliminated in 25th place for €7,730 ($8,845)

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