Thomas Stinson Eliminated in 24th Place by James McGill

May 6, 2024

Thomas Stinson
Photo:  Thomas Stinson

Sebastien Aube raises UTG+1 to 60,000, and Thomas Stinson moves all in from middle position for 415,000. James McGill moves all in over the top for about 800,000, and Aube quickly folds.

Stinson turns over Club ASpade Q, and he needs to improve to stay alive against McGill’s Diamond 9Club 9.

The board comes Spade 9Club 5Diamond 3Heart JSpade 10, and McGill flops a set of nines to win the pot and eliminate Stinson in 24th place.

James McGill  –  1,350,000  (45 bb)
Thomas Stinson  –  Eliminated in 24th Place  ($15,800)

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