Thomas Muhlocker Eliminated in 12th Place (€17,775)

Jan 14, 2018

Thomas Muhlocker
Thomas Muhlocker raised to 43,000 from the cutoff and Ole Schemion three-bet to more than 500,000 out of the small blind, covering Jeffrey Cormier in the big blind and Muhlocker. The latter called all in for his last 20 big blinds and the cards were turned over.

Thomas Muhlocker: Heart KHeart Q
Ole Schemion: Diamond JDiamond 9

The flop of Diamond 8Diamond 5Diamond 2 immediately left Muhlocker drawing dead, making the Diamond 4 turn and Heart 5 river a formality. “Can you see the cards?” Cormier asked with a smile on the face while Schemion raked in the pot.

Ole Schemion – 1,750,000 (87bb)
Jeffrey Cormier – 380,000 (19bb)
Thomas Muhlocker – Eliminated in 12th place for €17,775 ($21,508)

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