Thomas Lefort Out in 36th Place (CAD $7,340)

May 4, 2015

Michael Stone min-raises from middle position to 16,000, Michael Lefort moves all in from the cutoff for 57,000, and Luc Greenwood moves all in over the top from the button for about 160,000.

As he folds, Stone says to Greenwood, “I think you saved me some money.”

Lefort turns over Aclub10heart, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Greenwood’s QheartQdiamond.

The board comes 7club5club3club10spade9heart — Lefort flops a club flush draw and turns a pair of tens, but improves no further. Greenwood wins the pot with his pocket queens to eliminate Lefort from the tournament.

Luc Greenwood  –  255,000  (31 bb)
Michael Stone  –  339,000  (42 bb)
Thomas Lefort  –  Eliminated in 36th Place (CAD $7,340)

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