Thiago Viana Impresses Jhahbaz Mqusavi Kivi With a Call

Feb 20, 2020

Jhahbaz Mqusavi Kivi is on the river and the board reads Diamond 8Heart 8Spade 4Heart 3Diamond K. With around 20,000 in the middle, Mqusavi Kivi bets 13,000 into the pot and Thiago Viana has a decision to make.

Viana goes into the tank for some time before calling and he waits for Mqusavi Kivi to show first. When he sees he is facing Heart QHeart 9 for a busted flush draw, he turns over Heart 2Diamond 2 and his smallest of pairs is enough to secure the pot.

Mqusavi Kivi taps the table a few times in acknowledgement.

Thiago Viana – 85,000
Jhahbaz Mqusavi Kivi – 70,000

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