Therdtakoonrat Doubles Through Bilodeau

Nov 19, 2022

The cards are already turned over by Thananat Therdtakoonrat and Louis Bilodeau when the former shows Heart 6Heart 4 for a flush on the Heart KHeart QHeart 2Diamond 9 turn. Bilodeau has the Club KClub 9 for two pair and the Heart 8 river doesn’t change anything anymore, awarding a double to Therdtakoonrat for 170,000.

In the meanwhile, Kuang Hung “Luke” Lee doubles in a flip with Heart ASpade 9 against the Club 2Heart 2 of Ryuichi Tsuchida when he spikes the Club A in the window.

Thananat Therdtakoonrat – 400,000
Louis Bilodeau – 600,000
Kuang Hung Lee – 650,000
Ryuichi Tsuchida – 850,000

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