Theo Jorgensen Has a Monster (According to Theo)

Sep 14, 2012

Theo Jorgensen raises to 18,000 in the hijack seat, Philipp Gruissem calls in the cutoff before Jerome Douieb three-bets to 60,000 from the small blind.

"140!" Says Jorgensen.

Gruissem asks Jorgensen for a count before sighing and mucking his hand. Douieb has a moment to think and then folds ace-queen.

"I think you have pocket jacks," says Douieb.

"Ace-queen? Is that all? I thought you at least had ace-king. I had a monster," replied Jorgensen.

Gruissem just shakes his head.

Jorgensen ~ 760,000
Douieb ~ 860,000

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