The Roller Coaster Ride Ends for Tosques

Sep 27, 2018

Francois Tosques

Francois Tosques (pictured above) is no longer in contention on Day 1A of the WPTDeepStacks Main Event in Marrakech unless he decides to re-enter before the start of level 10, which represents the end of the registration period.

On a board of Diamond ADiamond 5Diamond 2Heart 6Heart Q, Tosques bets 24,700 for most of his chips and Jim Azazgour calls with Spade 2Club 2 for bottom set. Tosques only has the nut flush blocker and is left with a mere 10,000. The Frenchman doubles soon after before he runs out of chips minutes before the end of the level.

Also no longer to be found to be found in the 1A field anymore are Yuri Ishida and Jerome Sgorrano. The field has been cut almost in half in the first nine levels of play, as approximately 85 players out of 160 entries remain.

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