Thanh Liet Tan Eliminated in 13th Place by Frank Gregory

Aug 20, 2016

Thanh Liet Tan moves all in from the cutoff for 22,500, Patrick Piche calls from the button, and Frank Gregory calls from the big blind.

Gregory and Piche check all the way down on a board of Diamond 10Heart 6Diamond 4Club 8Spade J, and Gregory turns over Diamond QDiamond J to win the pot with a pair of jacks. Tan says, “Damn it!” when he sees Gregory’s cards, implying he might have been ahead up until the river.

Tan and Piche muck without showing, and Gregory wins the pot to eliminate Tan in 13th place.

Frank Gregory  –  150,000  (50 bb)
Patrick Piche  –  45,000  (15 bb)
Thanh Liet Tan  –  Eliminated

With 12 players remaining, hand-for-hand play begins on the Money Bubble.

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