Tanveer Dhanjal vs. Tobias Ziegler

May 27, 2019

Tanveer Dhanjal_WPT Aria Summer Championship S17_Day 1_Giron_8JG2225

With the final board showing Club JClub 3Spade 3Spade 10Club A on the river, Tobias Ziegler checks from the hijack, Tanveer Dhanjal (pictured) bets 16,000 from the cutoff, and Ziegler thinks for a while before he calls.

Dhanjal shows Club 9Club 8 to win the pot with a rivered club flush, and Ziegler mucks.

Tanveer Dhanjal  –  138,000  (173 bb)
Tobias Ziegler  –  168,000  (210 bb)

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