Tanner Millen vs. Jeff Fielder

Apr 16, 2018

Tanner Millen

Tanner Millen (pictured) raises from middle position to 75,000, and Jeff Fielder calls from the small blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of Club ASpade JClub 8Spade 7, Fielder bets 60,000, Millen raises to 205,000, and Fielder calls.

The river card is the Heart J, Fielder checks, and Millen uses one of his Time Chips to tank for nearly a minute before he bets 525,000. Fielder calls, and Millen turns over Heart 7Diamond 7 for a full house, sevens full of jacks. Fielder mucks, and Millen wins the pot.

Tanner Millen  –  3,600,000  (120 bb)
Jeff Fielder  –  2,700,000  (90 bb)

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