Takeshi Goto Eliminated in 12th Place by Tao Yin ($24,820)

Jul 21, 2023

Takeshi Goto

Takeshi Goto (pictured) raises to 250,000 in the hijack and gets three-bet to 850,000 by Tao Yin in the cutoff. Goto moves the rest of his stack in for about a million total and Yin makes the call.

Takeshi Goto: Heart KSpade K
Tao Yin: Heart ASpade Q

Yin calls exuberantly for an ace, but the dealer instead spreads a flop of Heart 9Diamond 6Spade 6. Tao’s wish comes true on the turn though as the Spade A falls, eliciting a cheer from Yin and his boisterous rail.

The Club 6 cinches the hand for Tao and eliminates Goto.

Tao Yin – 4,800,000 (38 bb)
Takeshi Goto – eliminated

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