Taiga Okuda Cleans Out Angel Guillen

Apr 19, 2024

Taiga Okuda

On a flop Diamond 4Diamond 9Club K with 28,000 in the pot, small blind Tetsuya Tsujisaka bets 10,000, big blind Angel Guillen raises to 38,000, utg+2 Taiga Okuda calls, Tsujisaka folds. On the turn Club 8. Guillen shoves, Okuda calls. 

Angel Guillen Heart KClub J top pair
Taiga Okuda Spade AHeart A overpair

The river Diamond Q is no help to Guillen to lose all of his chips to Okuda. 

Taiga Okuda – 315,000 (105 bb)
Tetsuya Tsujisaka – 300,000 (75 bb)
Angel Guillen – Eliminated

Angel Guillen

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