Table One

Dec 4, 2011

Since the eliminations of Vojtech Ruzicka and Martins Adeniya we have had a re-draw and are now playing two nine-handed tables. Here is some action and the current chip/seating position for Table One.

Hand 1

Zachary Korik raises to 40,000 in early position and Karen Sarkisyan moves all-in for 199,000 in the big blind. Korik goes through the usual motions of asking for a count before making the call. Sarkisyan shows us [6h] [6d] and Korik shows us [2c] [2h]. Sarkisyan hits a rather unnecessary set on the flop and doubles up.

Karen Saruisyan
(Photo: Karen Sarkisyan)

Hand 2

Tobias Reinkemeier raises to 40,000 in the cutoff and Benjamin Pollak makes the call in the big blind. The flop is [Ac] [Td] [7c] and Pollak check-calls a 35,000 Reinkemeier bet. The turn is the [Tc], pairing the board, and Pollak checks to Reinkemeier who bets 77,000 and it is enough to win the hand.

Tobias Reinkemeier
(Photo: Tobias Reinkemeier)

Table 1

Seat 1: Benjamin Pollak – 1,180,000
Seat 2: Paul Pires Trigo – 1,100,000
Seat 3: Zachary Korik – 1,200,000
Seat 4: Sigurd Eskeland – 733,000
Seat 5: Agris Klaise – 650,000
Seat 6: Denis Pisarev – 555,000
Seat 7: Tobias Reinkemeier – 1,150,000
Seat 8: Stanislaw Kretz – 2,875,000
Seat 9: Karen Sarkisyan – 620,000

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