Sunwook Baek Eliminated by Matthieu Lamagnere

Mar 19, 2023

For the second hand in a row, Sunwook Baek moves all-in and this time does so from the cutoff. Matthieu Lamagnere calls in the small blind and they are flipping over the cards.

Sunwook Baek: Spade QClub J
Matthieu Lamagnere: Heart KHeart Q

The kicker problem for Baek is never solved on the Spade 8Heart 8Diamond 3Diamond QSpade 10 runout and he has to settle for 66th place. Right after, the first scheduled 15-minute break of the day commences.

Matthieu Lamagnere – 1,000,000 (83 bb)
Sunwook Baek – Eliminated in 66th Place ($2,570)

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