Sukhdev Chagger Triples on Fortunate River

May 18, 2024

Photo: Sukhdev Chagger

Ryan Lelinowski bets 7,000 from the hijack on a flop of Diamond JDiamond 10Spade 3 and Sukhdev Chagger moves all in for 37,500 on the button. Ruben Perceval reshoves for 52,000 in early position and Lelinowski calls to put both players at risk.

Sukhdev Chagger: Club KHeart J
Ruben Perceval: Diamond AClub J
Ryan Lelinowski: Spade ASpade J

“Wow, semi-free roll. King of diamonds would be nice,” a tablemate says as Perceval and Lelinowski show the same hand. The turn is the Diamond 8 and Perceval picks up a flush draw, but the Heart K falls on the river to give Chagger two pair and a triple up while Perceval and Lelinowski chop the side pot.

Sukhdev Chagger- 130,000 (65 BB)
Ruben Perceval- 10,000 (5 bb)
Ryan Lelinowski- 50,000 (25 bb)

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