Suguru Kobayashi Finds a River to Drop Liang Peng

Jul 19, 2023

Suguru Kobayashi

The flop shows Diamond 5Diamond 4Heart 3 with around 9,500 in the pot. Suguru Kobayashi (pictured) leads for 3,000 and Liang Peng raises, making it 10,000 to go. Kobayashi puts in 23,000 and Peng shoves for a total of 35,400, which is quickly called.

Kobayashi tables Diamond KDiamond Q and is in need of a diamond to top Peng’s Spade 4Spade 3. The Heart 10 turn leaves Peng one card away from a double but he fails to fade the Diamond 2 river, sending the chips to Kobayashi.

Suguru Kobayashi – 115,000 (115 bb)

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