Straight Over Straight for Kambiz Zamani and Joshua Abiscott

May 18, 2024

Kambiz Zamani
Photo:  Kambiz Zamani

With the board showing Club JDiamond 6Club 5Spade 4 on the turn, Bradley Smith bets 2,800 from the small blind. Joshua Abiscott calls from the big blind, and Kambiz Zamani raises from the cutoff to 11,500. Smith folds.

Abiscott tanks for a while before he calls.

The river card pairs the board with the Club 4, and both players check. Abiscott shows Diamond 3Spade 2 for a six-high straight, but Zamani turns over Spade 8Club 7 to win the pot with an eight-high straight.

Kambiz Zamani  –  75,000  (250 bb)
Joshua Abiscott  –  31,000  (103 bb)

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