Straight Flush for Lukasz Golczyk

Feb 19, 2020

Four of the community cards are out and the board reads Club 2Club 3Heart 8Heart 9. Lukasz Golczyk is playing out of the under-the-gun position and bets 30,000, which is around a pot-sized bet and enough to set Giovambattista Costanzo all in.

Constanzo tanks for a couple of minutes and finds a call. Golczyk immediately turns over Heart QHeart J for a gutshot straight flush draw and overs to the board. Constanzo hesitates, clearly disappointed before showing Club JClub 7 for a lower gutshot and the other flush draw.

The river comes Heart 10 and it’s a straight flush for Golczyk who is closing in on six figures now.

Lukasz Golczyk – 95,000
Giovambattista Costanzo – eliminated

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