Steven Blomberg Wins a Three-Way All-In to Knock Out Kenneth Adams and Peter Vitantonio

Mar 23, 2019

All In-Peter Vitanonio vs Steven Blomberg vs Kenneth Adams
Photo:  Kenneth Adams (right) contemplates whether to be the third person to go all in against Peter Vitantonio (left) and Steven Blomberg (center).

A player raises under the gun to 1,000, Peter Vitantonio moves all in from middle position for 5,100, and Steven Blomberg calls from the hijack. Kenneth Adams reraises from the cutoff to 15,500, and the UTG player folds.

Blomberg quickly moves all in over the top for about 50,000, and Adams tanks for a while before he calls with a slightly smaller stack. All three players turn over their cards:

Steven Blomberg:  Diamond AClub A
Kenneth Adams:  Spade 6Heart 6
Peter Vitantonio:  Heart 4Club 4

The UTG player claims he folded pocket sevens.

The board comes Diamond JSpade 10Diamond 8Heart KDiamond 2, and Blomberg’s aces hold up without much of a sweat for him to eliminate two players in one hand.

Steven Blomberg  –  104,000  (260 bb)
Kenneth Adams  –  Eliminated
Peter Vitantonio  –  Eliminated

Photo:  Steven Blomberg stacks his chips after knocking out both Adams and Vitantonio.
Steven Blomberg double elmination

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