Steve Olivier Doubles Thru Phu Vo

Nov 25, 2023

Steve Olivier
Photo:  Steve Olivier

With the board showing Spade KHeart 5Diamond 2Heart 10 on the turn, Phu Vo checks from the big blind, Min Zhang checks from the hijack, and Steve Olivier moves all in from the cutoff for 25,000.

The player on the button tanks for a while before he folds, and then Vo tanks for a while before he calls. Zhang quickly folds.

Olivier shows Heart ADiamond A, and Vo turns over Heart QDiamond Q. Olivier needs to avoid a queen on the river to stay alive.

The river card is the Spade 9, and the pocket aces hold up for Olivier to win the pot and double up in chips.

Steve Olivier  –  97,700  (244 bb)
Phu Vo  –  53,500  (134 bb)

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