Steve Buckner Flushes Jean-Francois Bouchard to the Rail

May 13, 2024

Heads-up on a flop of Diamond 4Spade 5Spade 8, Jean-Francois Bouchard moves all in for 9,800 in the big blind and Steve Buckner calls on the button.

Jean-Francois Bouchard: Heart KDiamond 5
Steve Buckner: Spade QSpade 3

Bouchard is ahead with a pair of fives, while Buckner is on a flush draw. The Club 7 turn leaves Bouchard in the lead, but Buckner hits the Spade 2 on the river to make his flush and send Bouchard to the rail.

“I’m never folding,” Buckner says.

Steve Buckner- 55,000 (69 bb)
Jean-Francois Bouchard- eliminated

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