Stephen Graner Out in 32nd Place ($12,817)

Feb 9, 2015

On a flop of Qspade10club9club, Stephen Graner checks and Panagiotis Nifakos bets 400,000. Brian Altman takes a minute in the tank and then folds before Graner check-raises all in for 755,000.

Nifakos calls and shows KheartKdiamond and is behind Graner’s 10spade9spade. The turn is the Aclub, but the river is the Kclub and Nifakos rivers a set of kings to trump Graner’s two pair.

Panagiotis Nifakos – 1,850,000 (92 bb)
Stephen Graner – Eliminated in 32nd Place ($12,817)

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