Speranza and Akenhead Share One

Feb 7, 2012

Gianluca Speranza
(Photo: Gianluca Speranza)

Gianluca Speranza raises to 3,200 in middle position, James Akenhead calls behind, as does Andrea Ferrari in the big blind. The action checks all the way to the river on a board of [8d] [5s] [4s] [6s] [4h] before James Akenhead bets 13,300, Ferrari folds and Speranza makes the call.

Akenhead confidently flips over [7c] [6c] for the flopped nuts and Speranza flips over [7d] [4d] for the turned straight and the pot is shared.

Speranza ~ 153,000
Akenhead ~ 152,000

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