Sonny Jennens Out in 15th Place ($9,336)

Oct 26, 2014

Andrew Gaw min-raises from the cutoff to 24,000, Douglas Olsson calls from the small blind, and Day 2 chipleader Sonny Jennens (pictured above) reraises from the big blind to 79,000.

Gaw tanks for a while before he moves all in, covering both players. Olsson folds, and Jennens calls all in with [9c9s]. Gaw turns over [AsKc], and Jennens needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes [Ac3h2cJh2h], and Gaw pairs his ace on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Jennens from the tournament.

Andrew Gaw  –  1,200,000 (100 bb)
Douglas Olsson  –  450,000  (37 bb)
Sonny Jennens  –  Eliminated in 15th Place ($9,336)

Andrew Gaw is the first person to reach the million mark in chips.

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