Soheb Porbandarwala Doubles Thru Krasimir Yankov

Dec 17, 2022

Soheb Porbandarwala

Krasimir Yankov opens to 325,000 on the button and Soheb Porbandarwala (pictured) defends his big blind.

The flop comes Diamond 10Diamond 9Heart 7 and Porbandarwala checks. Yankov continuation-bets 250,000 and Porbandarwala check-raises all in for 2.63 million.

Yankov calls with the flopped nuts, holding Club JHeart 8. Porbandarawala has Diamond QClub 8 and needs to hit one of the three remaining jacks in the deck to make a higher straight and stay alive. He does just that on the Spade J turn, with Diamond J completing the runout to earn him the double.

Krasimir Yankov – 25,050,000 (167 bb)
Soheb Porbandarwala – 6,125,000 (40 bb)

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