Snowmen Double for Jason Conforti

Oct 26, 2018

On a flop of Heart KDiamond JSpade 8 with roughly 3,000 in the middle, Craig Gingras checks from the small blind over to Jason Conforti in the big blind.

Conforti bets out 2,650 and Gingras check-raises to 6,600. Conforti calls as the dealer produces the Heart 5 on the turn.

Gingras announces he is all in for roughly 32,000, and Conforti makes the call for his 20,600 total.

Gingras: Spade KSpade 10
Conforti: Club 8Heart 8

The river of the Club J ensures Conforti of the double with his full house.

Jason Conforti – 57,400
Craig Gingras – 12,500

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