Six Players to the Flop? Six players to the Flop!

May 5, 2023

After an under-the-gun raise to 3,600, five players call to see a flop of Spade JDiamond 9Club 5.

After the blinds and the original raiser check, an early position player bets 12,000. Jacob Haller then moves in for 21,500. Everyone else folds, but the early position player calls to put Haller at risk.

Jacob Haller: Diamond KHeart J
Early Position: Spade 8Spade 6

Haller’s top pair was well ahead of his opponent’s gutshot and backdoor flush draw.

The board completed Heart 2Heart 5, keeping Haller’s jacks ahead to earn a healthy pot to get him back above starting stack.

Jacob Haller – 66,000 (41 bb)

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