Siebert Eliminated by Caragiorgas

Feb 23, 2014

Sylvain Siebert began Day 2 second in chips out of the remaining 114 players with a big stack of 264,800, but after a little over an hour-and-a-half into play he has been eliminated with about 90 players left.

After having slipped to about 95,000, Siebert was eliminated by George Caragiorgas who related the hand to us afterwards with the action playing out as follows:

Caragiorgas opens for 6,000 from under the gun and it folds around to Siebert who defends his big blind with a call. The flop comes Q-9-9 with two hearts, and Siebert check-calls a continuation bet of 9,500 from Caragiorgas. The turn then brings the [6s], and after Siebert checks and watches Caragiorgas bet 14,500, Siebert shoves and Caragiorgas calls.

Siebert has Q-8 for queens and nines, but Caragiorgas has A-Q for the same two pair with a better kicker. An ace completes the board, and Seibert is out.

George Caragiorgas – 255,000
Sylvain Siebert – Eliminated

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