Siddharth Jolly Eliminated in 4th Place by Amit Tejura (3,180,000 INR / $38,854)

Apr 17, 2023

Siddharth Jolly

Hand #153: Amit Tejura raises to 600,000 as the first player to act and Siddharth Jolly jams for 1,850,000 in the small blind. The initial raiser asks for a count and calls.

Siddharth Jolly: Diamond 10Spade 10
Amit Tejura: Spade ASpade 6

The Diamond AHeart KClub 6Diamond 2Diamond 9 board improves Tejura to two pair and that spells the end for Jolly in fourth place.

Amit Tejura – 6,450,000 (21 bb)
Siddharth Jolly – Eliminated in 4th Place (3,180,000 INR / $38,854)

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