Shun Nozaki Eliminated in 12th Place by Feng Ji Chua ($12,980)

Mar 19, 2023

Shun Nozaki

Feng Ji Chua raises to 500,000 for a big portion of his shorter stack and Shun Nozaki then pushes all-in from one seat over for what appeared to be 785,000. It folds back to Chua who quickly calls.

Shun Nozaki: Spade KSpade J
Feng Ji Chua: Spade AHeart 9

The board runs out Diamond ASpade 3Club 3Club JSpade 9 and Nozaki has to settle for 12th place, bringing Day 2 one step closer to the conclusion.

“You saved me, I had king-queen,” Jose Catela mentions in table chat as he has even fewer chips behind.

Feng Ji Chua – 2,200,000 (27 bb)
Jose Catela – 600,000 (7 bb)
Shun Nozaki – Eliminated in 12th Place ($12,980)

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