Shouman and Turgul Battle

Aug 19, 2013

There is an interesting dynamic between Rami Shouman and Kayhan Turgul. That or both are playing every hand, which could also be equally as likely.

Turgul opens to 8,000 under the gun and Shouman flats on the button.

Flop: [Qd] [6s] [5d]

Turgul c-bets 8,500 and Shouman calls.

Turn: [Ts]

Both players check.

River: [7c]

Turgul very quickly check-calls a 29,000 Shouman bet and shows [Qc] [Jd]. It’s good as Turgul mucks.

Shouman ~ 400,000

Turgul ~470,000

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