Turbo Shootout D: Simon Burns (UK) Runs Pocket Kings into the Pocket Aces of Kunal Patni (India)

Sep 20, 2018

Kunal Patni - Team India 3
Photo:  Kunal Patni of Team India

In Shootout D, Simon Burns (Team UK) raises from the cutoff, Kunal Patni (Team India) reraises from the big blind, and Burns moves all in for about 10,000.

Patni snap-calls with a slightly larger stack and turns over Spade ADiamond A. Burns shows Spade KClub K for an early cooler, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 4Spade 2Diamond 2Club JClub 9, and the pocket aces hold up for Patni to win the pot and eliminate Burns in 12th place for Shootout D.

Kunal Patni (India)  –  22,000  (147 bb)
Simon Burns (UK)  –  Eliminated in 12th Place  (5 pts)

Team UK entered the day in third place on the leaderboard, and this early exit for Burns on an aces-vs.-kings cooler really hurts their chances to winning the bonus prize for the team with the most points after this event.

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