Shlomi Malka Ready to Play Cards

Jun 9, 2024

Dominik Ostrowski raises to 50,000 from under the gun and is met with a three-bet by Min Ji who makes it 95,000.

The action folds around to Shlomi Malka, he elects to pump the price of admission to 400,000. Ostrowski folds and Ji begins to think. “Maybe we have the same hand!” laughs Malka.

Ji laughs as he pitches his hand into the muck. Malka tables Spade ASpade 4 with a smile as he scoops in the pot.

Shlomi Malka – 1,300,000 (52 bb)
Min Ji – 550,000 (22 bb)
Dominik Ostrowski – 810,000 (32 bb)

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