Shiga Mitsuhiro vs. Kazuki Ikeuchi

Sep 21, 2019

Shiga Mitsuhiro raises from the small blind to 7,500, Kazuki Ikeuchi reraises from the big blind to 21,000, and Mitsuhiro four-bets it to 60,000. Ikeuchi studies Mitsuhiro’s remaining stack (about 100K behind) for a while before he calls.

The flop comes Heart 8Spade 8Spade 6, Mitsuhiro moves all in for about 100,000, and Ikeuchi thinks for a while before he folds. Mitsuhiro takes the pot.

Shiga Mitsuhiro  –  225,000  (75 bb)
Kazuki Ikeuchi  –  303,000  (101 bb)

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