Shayne Matyjas Eliminated in 25th Place (C$13,869)

Feb 11, 2018

Shayne Majytas limped from the small blind, and Anthony Dalpra checked his option in the big blind.

The flop came down Spade JClub 6Spade 3, Majytas bet 20,000, Dalpra raised to 45,000, Majytas shoved for about 340,000, and Dalpra called.

Majytas: Spade 6Spade 4
Dalpra: Diamond JHeart 6

The Heart 4 turn and Heart 2 river completed the board, and Dalpra scored the elimination with the better two pair.

Anthony Dalpra – 840,000
Shayne Matyjas – Eliminated in 26th Place (C$13,869)

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