Shawn Barnett Doubles Through Scott Bohlman

May 1, 2023

Andrew Moreno raises to 100,000 under the gun and Scott Bohlman calls from the hijack. Shawn Barnett three-bet jams for about 500,000 from the button and Moreno lets it go but Bohlman makes the call.

Shawn Barnett: Spade 6Diamond 6
Scott Bohlman: Heart 5Club 5

The flop comes Club 10Club 7Heart 6 improving Barnett’s hand to a set of sixes. The Heart 7 turn and Heart K river complete the board and Barnett rakes in the pot with sixes full of sevens.

Scott Bohlman – 1,550,000 (31 bb)
Shawn Barnett – 1,200,000 (24 bb)

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