Shahin Norouzian Takes Down Kings of Samuel Bifarella

Aug 2, 2023

Alexandre Doyer

The flop shows Heart QHeart 10Diamond 7 and the pot contains roughly 35,000. Samuel Bifarella bets 21,000, Leo Gaudin calls and Shahin Norouzian (pictured) shoves his 88,000 into the middle.

Bifarella shoves over the top and Gaudin ducks out, leaving just two for a runout. Norouzian shows Heart AHeart 9 and is up against Spade KClub K of Bifarella.

The dealer burns and turns the Diamond 10, leaving Bifarella in the lead. The Heart 7 then peels off, hitting the flush for Norouzian to survive and scoop in the pot, cracking the kings of Bifarella.

Shahin Norouzian – 232,000 (58 bb)
Samuel Bifarella – 170,000 (43 bb)

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