Francis Falardeau opens for 300 from under the gun and gets three callers in Danny Rouleau (button), James Sullivan (small blind), and Mathieu Boucher (big blind).

The flop comes [8s][4c][3d] and it checks to Falardeau who bets 900 and both Rouleau and Boucher call. The turn brings the [7c]. This time all check to Rouleau on the button who bets 1,750, and both of his remaining opponents call.

The river is the [As]. It checks again to Rouleau who bets 2,825 this time. Boucher folds, then Falardeau thinks a while before calling. Rouleau tables [8c][8h] for a set of eights, and Falardeau mucks.

Danny Rouleau – 39,500 (395 bb) 

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