Sergio Castelluccio Eliminated in 32nd Place by Naj Ajez

Dec 19, 2023

Sergio Castelluccio-2

The action picks up on a turned board that is showing Club 7Diamond 5Spade 2Diamond J between Naj Ajez and Sergio Castelluccio (Pictured). Ajez pushes the covering stack and Castelluccio calls in his remaining chips.

Castelluccio shows Spade JSpade 6 for a pair of johnnies but is in need of some love when Ajez tables Heart JSpade 5. A Diamond 3 river seals it for Ajez and his two pair, sending Castelluccio to the payout desk.

Naj Ajez – 15,500,000 (52 bb)
Sergio Castelluccio – Eliminated in 32nd Place ($159,200)

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