Sergey Vasilyev Eliminated by Giacomo Fundaro

Aug 17, 2013

Sergey Vasilev
Ara Melkisetian opens to 1,400, Sergey Vasilyev moves all-in for around 10BB, WPT Champions Club member, Giacomo Fundaro, makes the call and Melkisetian is forced to fold.


Fundaro: [Ac] [Ks]
Vasilyev: [5c] [5h]

Vasilyev seems to be getting there as the dealer puts out [9c] [8s] [7s] [7h] on the board.

“Eight.” Demands Fundaro.

River: [9d]

Not an eight, but equally as destructive. The kicker plays and Vasilyev is out in the cold.

Fundaro ~ 60,000

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