Septi Hermawati Doubles Off Jonathan Brazeau With Aces

May 14, 2024

A pot of around 30,000 is already in the middle as Septi Hermawati and Jonathan Brazeau go to the river on a board of Club 4Club 5Heart 4Diamond 5Club K.

According to the table, Brazeau had four-bet from the button and Hermawati called in the small blind. Brazeau bet the flop, Hermawati calls, and both players checked the turn.

Hermawati then moves all in for 17,900 on the river and Brazeau calls. Hermawati turns over Club ADiamond A. “That’s good,” Brazeau says as he mucks, surrendering the double up to Hermawati.

Septi Hermawati- 70,000 (233 bb)
Jonathan Brazeau- 15,000 (50 bb)

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